It has been a while, i know that is how i start everything but i honestly have to big of gaps between my post, but what can you do when you work full time.
so not a whole lot has happened,it is almost time for the hill climbs again,and yes we will be there, because that is the one weekend that we always make sure that i get off some how? I enjoy it as much as Darren that is nice,when you get dressed in your snow clothes for two straight days and sit on steps made out of snow, you better like it.
I all so like meeting all the interesting people :)
This winter has been the most pathetic winter ever we had snow on the ground for maybe 2 weeks total, i have not even got my winter coat out because it has not been cold enough, all the people that did not want a winter with snow on the roads here you go, but if it is going to be cold there better be snow on the ground not just cold for NO good reason. That is just my thoughts.
well that is all for now i will most likely post after the hill climbs, the end of March.
The Adams